Lucy Brook (Entertainment Space Manager - Deputy Head)
Will Thompson (Performance Space Manager)
Natasha Maurer (Technical Coordinator)
Polina Sevastyanova (Social Secretary)
Tom Groves (Technical Coordinator)
Spencer Percival (Secretary)
Meeting begins: 16:10
Previous minutes accepted.
Weekly event run-through
Nevos are away at Glitterball for the next week excluding 5.
Sandy's sound system going off for repair at end of April, sound will be run for MB and Sandy’s from a joint amp.
Make sure that seating rack boards go back into the cupboard rather than leaving on the side of the stairs. Other:
Bar managers and team leaders getting training on troubleshooting/setting up basic DJ equipment in Sandy’s, Main Bar, 601 – Paul notes this is not the way the issue of tech needing fixing quickly should be done, permanent tech should exist.