====== 2021-01-27 University of St Andrews Students’ Association — Ents Committee Meeting ====== **Those present** Ryan Delaney, Lucy Brook, Alan Chodyniecki, Will Jamieson, Sam Lane, Kian Cross, Andrew Barron (joined 4:25pm) **Absent** Tom Groves (DoES), Mika Schmeling, Nikita Shvedov **Date** 27th January 2021 4:15pm–4:41pm ===== 1 General Discussion ===== * Restrictions are worse than at the end of last semester. Consequently, there is no in-person Refreshers Fayre. Refreshers will now take the same format as Freshers — but only for an hour. * At the moment, assume zero access to the building for the forceable future, or at least until rules change. * The camera that was ordered for us is being chased up by Jillian. The Union ordered a camera that Sam and Andrew recommended. It was ordered 1/2 months ago, but no update from the company we purchased it from. Raf is on furlough so can not chase it up. Tom has asked Jillian to chase it up. * We were going to purchase a festoon but this is on hold now. * The rig in StAge will be checked once Raf is back from furlough. Produce a plan for rig check. * The wiki is up. Ryan is writing an article for setting up lighting — what you see is what you get demo. If you can think of anything else, feel free to write an article, particularly things that people can do at home. * We would like to release some of the multi-tracks we have — need to ensure we have permission. * DJ training plans can no longer be used, as we can not get into the building. Ryan work with Nikita and Laurence to try and sort ‘at home’ training. * The Barron is doomed :( Not much we can do — keep an eye on the ‘Save the Barron campaign(s). Ents objects to the closing of the Barron — no one present in the meeting opposed this view. * Election Committee applications are open — if you are interested, you can apply here: https://forms.gle/bBNXyR3zpEC3vAFU8. ===== 2 Next Meeting ===== * Tentative 3rd February 2021 at 4pm